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"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." -- Seneca
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İngilizce Kelime Quizleri
Bosluklari uygun fille doldurun. Fiillerin zaman çekimini unutmayin.

burgle- hijack- rob- steal -&- shoplift- blackmail

1. The man all the jewellery and some money from the safe.

2. The thieves mistakenly into their chief 's house.

3. 'This is the first time we have a bank completely successfully', said the master.

4. Jessica Martin with $100.000. She threatened to give the record to the police.

5. The terrorists a lorry to flee away from the area after assassinating the mayor.

6. That old man is known to goods from this supermarket.

cheat- deceive- forge- trick

7. Bob his father's signature on the transcript so as to hide his poor grades.

8. By the fake signature, Bob planned to the teacher into accepting it.

9. I was able to my mother by pretending to be ill in order to stay at home.

10. I told my father that my grades were good, but they weren't. I knowingly him.

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