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Haftanin Rehber Sözü :
"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." -- Seneca
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İngilizce Gramer
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Boşlukları, uygun belirteçlerle doldurun.
(Kullanım Sayısı: the x6, a x3, an x1, both x1, (a)little x2, (a)few x2, number,each,deal,-(bos),no x1)

1- She didn't remember title of first book that she had read.

2- This is just piece of advice to you.

3- It was most embarrassing situation I had ever been in.

4- We have two close friends and we have invited of them to the party.

5- You won't be successful. Nobody can succeed it in such time.

6- Would you like to make reservation on last train to Antalya?

7- He wasted a great of money gambling.

8- Celine feels lonely because she has very sincere friends.

9- There has been almost rain for the last couple of weeeks.

10- Could you please turn off radio. It has become erratic again.

11- I can speak Italian, so I understood some parts of the speech.

12- It is always argued that homeless should be cared about by the government.

13- At first, he didn't realize his mistake.

14- A great of my students prepared hard for their exams.

15- All members are valuable to us and is going to be given a present.

16- I know that Hakan has more books than I do.

17- During my walk in the park, I saw old woman wearing red hat.

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