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Asagidaki sorulari, parçaya göre cevaplandiriniz.

Have you ever wondered whether fishes drink or not? All living things must drink, and they require a fresh supply of water often. A person can go without food for many days, but he or she cannot go for long without water. Fishes drink, and fishes that live in salt water must drink salt water. However, when we watch them in an aquarium and see them opening and closing their mouths, we must not assume that they are drinking. Fishes need water for its oxygen. The water that they seem to be gulping gives them oxygen, which is in the water. On the other hand, when a fish drinks, it swallows water, just in the way we do.

1. It is stated in the passage that a fish opens and closes its mouth .............. .

A. in order to get oxygen
B. so as to gulp
C. to drink to stay alive
D. to swim in an aquarium.
E. so that it can suffice salt

2. We are informed by the passage that a person ................... .

A. can live for a long time without water
B. can live for a long time without food
C. has no need for food and water
D. has no need for a fresh supply of water
E. does need water to get oxygen

3. When a fish drinks water, ............................ .

A. it requires fresh water
B. it swallows water just like us
C. it requires salt water
D. it drinks water for its oxygen
E. it stays motionless for a while to swallow

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