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"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." -- Seneca
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# Paragraf 3 #

It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher Columbus that was the world's first great traveler. His name was Marco Polo. With his father and his uncle, he traveled from Italy to China, crossing mountains and deserts to get there. In China a king called Kublai Khan was pleased to see the Polos and had them live near to him. They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai Khan sent Marco to other countries to do business for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote all about his adventures in a book, which was read by Columbus and many other people, who also became interested in traveling to strange countries.

1. This story is mainly about ............. .

a) the world's first great traveler
b) traveling from Italy to China
c) why Polo went to the far east
d) Marco Polo and Kublai Khan
e) in what ways Columbus affected Polo

2. The reason that Marco Polo is called great is not that ................ .

a) he traveled very far to reach China for a new world
b) he wrote about his adventures in a book, which many people read
c) he was so well liked by the king of China
d) he crossed mountains and deserts to reach China
e) he achieved fame thanks to his good reasoning

3. We know from the story that after he turned back, ................ .

a) Marco brought out a book inspiring new voyages
b) Marco stayed in Italy for twenty-three years
c) Kublai Khan knew that Marco had crossed mountains and deserts
d) Kublai Khan sent Columbus to other countries for business
e) Marco set out for a new adventure

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