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Cloze test içindeki boşlukları en uygun ifadelerle doldurun.

# Passage 1 #

Can we see (1) ......... the earth is a globe? Yes, we can, when we watch a ship that sails out to sea. If we watch closely, we see that the ship begins (2) ........ . The bottom of the ship disappears first, and then the ship seems to sink lower and lower, (3) ......... we can only see the top of the ship, and then we see nothing at all. What is hiding the ship from us? It is the earth. Stick a pin most of the way into an orange, and (4) ......... turn the orange away from you. You will see the pin disappear, (5) ......... a ship does on the earth.


A. if
B. where
C. that
D. whether
E. when


A. being disappeared
B. to be disappeared
C. to have disappeared
D. to disappear
E. having disappeared


A. until
B. since
C. after
D. by the time
E. unless


A. reluctantly
B. accidentally
C. slowly
D. passionately
E. carefully


A. the same
B. alike
C. just as
D. by the way
E. similar to

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